Join an Embryo Donation Workshop!

Embryo Donation Workshops!

One of the hardest things about embryo donation? No one to talk to, to bounce ideas, to hear other experiences. Most people thinking about embryo donation don’t know anyone else who has done it or is doing it right now. Embryo Donation is exciting, new, AND daunting. We don’t want you to go through it alone.

Embryo Connections is now offering workshops to find connection with others in a safe space, and to navigate ideas about embryo donation, in one two-hour discussion group facilitated by a mental health professional with specialized embryo donation training and experience, and Embryo Connections CEO, Deb Roberts

Each group will include six to eight individuals on a similar journey - One group will include DONORS - those considering/in the process of donating, and another group will include INTENDED PARENTS - those considering or in the process of receiving.  You’ll learn together, then break out into your individual groups.

The groups intend to cover…

  • Decision making

  • Future feelings

  • Interaction, communication, relationships, and disclosure

  • Self care/nurturing/resources

  • Possible Q&A with someone who’s gone through it already

Who can participate?

Anyone residing in the United States who…

  • INTENDED PARENT GROUP: Is actively pursuing assisted reproductive technology to complete their family and is considering or has already decided to use embryo donation.

  • DONOR GROUP: Has embryos remaining from an IVF cycle, and is actively considering or already decided to donate embryos.

Cost & Timing

$85 for individual participants

$150 for couples participating together  

How to Participate

If you are interested in participating in the groups, please complete THIS FORM.  We will alert you to confirm your space in the group. Your counselor will reach out to you about the specific group scheduling logistics and payment, and signing any required consents.